Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet Trophäen Leitfaden

Trophäen: 1x , 11x , 1x (13)
Zeit/Aufwand: 1 Stunde (wenn man alles liest) – Mit Text überspringen maximal 10 Minuten
Online Trophäen: Nein
Schwierigkeitsgrad relevant: Nein
Mehrfach platinierbar: Ja, 2x EU, 2x NA, 2x AS

Da dies eine Novelle ist gibt es einen kompletten Text Guide, sowie einen Video Guide. Rot markiert steht für manuellen Spielstand anlegen und laden, diesen könnt ihr anlegen in dem ihr drückt.
Die Trophäen sind farblich gekennzeichnet. Silber Gold Platin

Video Guide

Schritt#1 – Optionen

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Text Guide

Schritt#2 – Good Endings (insgesamt 5)

“Do not eat the cute candy girl.”
“Alright, we’ll keep her.”
“Whatever floats your boat.”
“Take her home.”
“She’s not for sale.”
“Supervising Gumdrop.”
“Let her help”
“She can deal.”
“Take all you can carry.”
Erstelle manuellen Speicher 1
“I don’t hate you.”
Erstelle manuellen Speicher 2
“Look into the Crystal Ball.”
Gumdrop Ending

Lade manuellen Speicher 2
“Forget it.”
Syrup Ending

Start Game

“In that case…”
Erstelle manuellen Speicher 3
“…Okay I see your point.”
“I still don’t like it.”
“My mind’s made up.”
Erstelle manuellen Speicher 4
“Agree to help.”
“She’s not for sale.”
“Working with you.”
Erstelle manuellen Speicher 5
“Let her help.”
Erstelle manuellen Speicher 6
“She can deal.”
Erstelle manuellen Speicher 7
“Take only what you need.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Look into the crystal ball.”
Butterscotch Ending

Lade manuellen Speicher 7
“Take all you can carry.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Look into the crystal ball.”
Pastille Ending

Lade manuellen Speicher 6
“Offer her your coat.”
“Take only what you need.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Look into the crystal ball.”
“Of course.”

Toffee Ending + Good Ending Collector (5/5)

Schritt#3 – Bad Endings (insgesamt 5)

Lade manuellen Speicher 1
“Yeah, I hate you.”
“I still hate you.”
Worst End

Lade manuellen Speicher 3
“Eat her anyway.”
Candibal Ending

Lade manuellen Speicher 4
“Ignore him.”
Erstelle manuellen Speicher 8
“Hire the cat.”
Bad End 2

Lade manuellen Speicher 8
“I’m not that desperate.”
Bad End 1

Lade manuellen Speicher 6
“She can deal.”
“Take only what you need.”
“Yeah, I hate you.”
Frozen Ending + Bad End Collector (5/5)
Ultimate Sweet

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